Computer plays a vital role is the development of any company, it also solves some of its complex problem faced by man and processed voluminous data within a short period of time or at a fantastic speed. Recent emphasis on information and data processing in most of our business and shipping industries has grown vastly as in the case of super manifest shipping company Lagos that an alternative method has to be mechanical handling of data, preparing of freight, manifest etc. Super maritime shipping company is a company which handle the clearing and forwarding of goods, importation of goods and undertakes the clearing of shipping documents and goods within the vessel leaves, the port for a designated ware house as the clients of the company wishes computer technology has come to be accepted as an indispensable innovation in shipping system. It is an all purpose machine that accepts data as input and process it using a set of information given out result as output which can be retrieved for future use. And its revolution has been evident in shipping in order to eliminate most hardship encountered in most of air shipping industries, the need for the computerization with the design and implementation of a computerized goods transportation management information system and its advantage to the shipping industries in needed.
The study is based on design and implementation of a computerized goods transportation management information system. The study helps one to understand the origin of goods transportation and of the same time some loop holes occurs in the management of goods and its solutions.
The aims and objectives of this study is to develop and implement a computerized goods transportation management information system that will make provision of the following to ensure a fast and more efficient services to the customer based on quick access of data and accurate information. The branch of all routine work which does not demand quantitative consideration to enable then provide letter counter services.
To be receivable and capable of providing an to date information relevant to company and their clients.
To affect a simpler handling of bill leading and updating of customers manifest checking of fraud and other criminal acts which lead to security and control.