Amount: $39.69 |

Format: Ms Word |

1-5 chapters |


Bank Name: FCMB Bank

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1. Introduction

Certificate verification using blockchain technology has several benefits, including reducing the cost and time involved in the verification process and enhancing its security. According to Crosby et al. (2016), blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that allows multiple parties to access and update a single source of truth in a secure and transparent manner. It has become popular due to its ability to prevent fraud and tampering and its potential to revolutionize industries such as finance, healthcare, and education.

The appliction of blockchain technology to certificate verification involves several steps, including digitizing the certificate and storing it on the blockchain, verifying the authenticity of the certificate, and verifying the identity of the issuer of the certificate. According to Kshetri (2018), blockchain technology has the potential to meet key supply chain management objectives, including reducing the time and cost of verifying the authenticity of products and enhancing their traceability.

One example of the use of blockchain technology for certificate verification is the Blockcerts platform developed by Learning Machine. According to Learning Machine, Blockcerts allows individuals and organizations to issue, manage, and verify digital credentials using blockchain technology, and it allows issuers to control the privacy and visibility of their certificates.

Another example is the VChain platform developed by the startup VChain, which uses a combination of biometric authentication and blockchain technology to create a secure and decentralized identity verification system. According to VChain, its platform can be used for a variety of purposes, including certificate verification.

The problem that led to the study of certificate verification using blockchain technology is the increasing need for a secure, transparent, and efficient way to verify the authenticity of certificates. In the past, the process of certificate verification has been cumbersome, time-consuming, and prone to errors. This has led to cases of fraud and tampering, which can have serious consequences for individuals and organizations.

Moreover, the traditional methods of certificate verification, such as relying on intermediaries like notaries, can be expensive and slow, especially when dealing with large volumes of certificates. Therefore, there has been a growing need for a more efficient and cost-effective way to verify certificates that is also secure and tamper-proof.

Blockchain technology offers a potential solution to this problem by providing a secure and transparent way to verify the authenticity of certificates. By using cryptographic algorithms to prevent tampering and ensuring that only authorized parties can access the information, blockchain technology can enhance the security of the verification process. Additionally, by eliminating the need for intermediaries like notaries, blockchain technology can reduce the cost and time involved in the verification process.

Therefore, The aim of the study of certificate verification using blockchain technology is to investigate the potential benefits and challenges of using blockchain technology for certificate verification and to develop practical applications that can enhance the efficiency, security, and transparency of the verification process.
