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The purpose of this project work was to identify how family planning is an agent of population reduction of the increasing population of Nigeria in Ovia North East Local Government Area using some selected community as a case study. The population of the study consisted of families in Igbogo, Iyeta, Egboha, Egbeteti and Ugbodun communities in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State. 240 families were sampled using the simple random sampling technique. Questionnaire was the major instrument for data collection. Data collected were analysed using mean scores, while t-test statistics was employed in testing the hypotheses. Based on the analysis, the study showed that there is a high level of awareness on family planning method within their various communities. The study also revealed that most parents accepted family planning method within their various communities. Also, most parents do not embrace the use of condom and implantation methods. However, parents accept injectable based on doctor’s advice, that pills prevent pregnancy, also that traditional family planning method is cheaper and safer than the new modern method, and lastly that use of contraceptives have no side effect on reproductive system. Based on the findings, recommendations and suggestions for further research were made.




Background of the study

Family planning has been a common problem with the developing countries in the world, due to lack of family planning the population of the developing countries using Nigeria as a typical example when unchecked increased geometrically. The lack of family planning which led to an increase in Nigeria population is as a result of lack of women education, poverty etc.

It is a common observation to everybody that what we often say is a blessing could turn to be a curse as in the case of the increasing population of a country. The only way this can be prevented is through the use of birth control or family planning and this is one of the major way in which Nigeria population can be reduced. One question that always comes to my mind is that if fertility is not controlled and it grows beyond its carrying capacity, then there will be a huge problem in population control, as we all know over populations a problem to a country especially the developing countries. The above mentioned facts has led the researcher into the topic; family planning as an agent of reduction of the increasing population in Nigeria, a case study of Ovia North East Local Government Area.

It is important to know that whatsoever happens in any society always begin from the family. However, another question that can really come to mind is this. What is family planning? Though many authors has defined it in various way. Family planning is defined as a process whereby parents or couples have their children by choice and not by chance by this we mean that couples can control the number of children they want and when they want them. Though more people use family planning than ever before. More than half of the couples in the developing countries use family planning today compared with 10% in the 1960s. This dramatic increase in family planning use has caused fertility to decline much more rapidly in the developing countries and if this is achieved it can lead to the attainment of optimal population which is the best type of population in both developed countries and developing countries.

Family planning helps save women and children’s live and preserves their health by preventing untimely and unwanted pregnancies reducing women’s exposure to health risk of child birth and abortion and giving women who are often the sole care givers more time to care for their children. As countries has modernized and become more urban and as women have achieved higher levels of education and have begun to marry late. Couples want fewer children. The growing availability of modern family planning method through the use of contraceptive such as pills, injections, intrauterine devices and sterilization etc, has made it possible for women and couples to space the births of their children and it as made it possible to have fewer children and this has help and will continue to help to reduce the over-population rate of Nigeria.


Statement of the problem   

Over a long period of time the issue of family planning as been neglected because so many believe that children are blessing from God and children are to be given birth by chance and not by choice which is the opposite of family planning and this as an effect on the Nigeria population.

Hence this research work is carried out in order to know if the people are still in the shadow of ignorance over the facts of family planning through the data collected and also to enlighten the populace of the importance, harmlessness of proper family planning to the society and to oneself.


Purpose of the study

The general purpose of this study was to examine the family planning as an agent of population reduction of the increasing population in Nigeria. Specifically, the study  was set out:

  1. To determine the level of awareness the people have on family planning programmes.
  2. To ascertain the level of acceptance the people derive on family planning.
  3. To find out the most effective family planning methods embraced by the people of Ovia North East.
  4. To ascertain the influence of family planning on parents reproductive behaviour.


Research questions

In pursuance of purpose of the study, the researcher sought answer to the following research questions.

  1. What is the level awareness on Family Planning among the people in the community?
  2. What is the level of acceptance of the people towards family planning?
  3. Which of these family planning methods do people actually embrace mostly?
  4. What influence does family planning have on the reproductive behaviour of parents in the community?

