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This research focuses on examining the impact of social outcome indicators on economic growth in Nigeria from 1990 to 2020. Nigeria, as a developing country, has experienced significant economic growth, but achieving sustainable and inclusive development remains a challenge. Social outcome indicators, which encompass measures of well-being, living conditions, and social progress, play a crucial role in understanding the overall development of a population. These indicators include education, healthcare, poverty levels, gender equality, and income inequality. The main objectives of this study are to assess the relationship between social outcome indicators and economic growth in Nigeria, identify the specific indicators that have the most significant impact on economic growth, and explore the challenges and opportunities associated with improving these indicators to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth. The research methodology involves using econometric methods, specifically the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation technique, to analyze the data. The model specification includes variables such as GDP (Gross Domestic Product), poverty levels, expenditure on education, and real interest rates. The estimation procedure will evaluate the statistical significance of the parameters using tests such as the T-test, F-test, and coefficient of determination (R2). Additionally, econometric tests will be conducted to assess assumptions such as multi-collinearity, autocorrelation, heteroscedasticity, and normality of the error term. The significance of this study lies in its implications for policymakers. Understanding the impact of social outcome indicators on economic growth can inform targeted policies and interventions to promote sustainable and inclusive development in Nigeria. The findings can help policymakers formulate strategies to address specific indicators, such as unemployment, poverty, education, and healthcare, in order to foster overall economic progress. In conclusion, this research aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the relationship between social outcome indicators and economic growth in Nigeria. By analyzing the data and providing policy recommendations, this study seeks to support evidence-based decision-making and facilitate efforts towards sustainable and inclusive economic development in the country.




1.1  Background to the Study

Nigeria, as a developing country, has experienced significant economic growth in recent years. However, achieving sustainable and inclusive development remains a challenge.

Social outcome indicators encompass measures that assess the well-being, living conditions, and social progress of a population. These indicators provide valuable information on education, healthcare, poverty levels, gender equality, and other socio-economic factors. They include literacy rates, life expectancy, infant mortality rates, access to basic services, and income inequality.

Scholarly research has emphasized the interdependence between social development and economic growth. Economic growth alone is insufficient for sustainable development. A comprehensive understanding of the impact of social outcome indicators on economic growth is essential. Olabisi, Olabode & Effiong, Usenobong. (2023).

Human capital development is a key factor in economic growth. Investing in education and healthcare improves the knowledge, skills, and health of individuals, leading to increased productivity and economic performance. Enhancing social outcome indicators such as literacy rates, school enrollment, and access to quality healthcare contributes to improving human capital in Nigeria (World Bank, 2018).

Persistent poverty and income inequality hinder economic growth by limiting access to resources, fostering social unrest, and hindering social mobility. Addressing these challenges is crucial for inclusive economic growth. By focusing on social outcome indicators such as poverty rates, income distribution, and access to basic services, policymakers can formulate effective policies to reduce poverty and income disparities, thus promoting economic growth (IMF, 2020).

Gender equality and women's empowerment are not only matters of social justice but also catalysts for economic growth. Women represent a significant portion of Nigeria's population and workforce. Enhancing social outcome indicators related to gender equality, such as women's education, labor force participation, and representation in decision-making positions, unlocks the potential of Nigeria's female population, leading to greater economic contributions (OECD, 2019).

Investments in social infrastructure, including transportation, energy, housing, and sanitation, are crucial for economic growth and improved quality of life. Adequate social outcome indicators related to infrastructure development attract investment, enhance productivity, and facilitate the movement of goods and services. Additionally, adopting sustainable development practices, such as renewable energy adoption and environmental conservation, contributes to long-term economic growth by ensuring the efficient use of resources (UNDP, 2019).

1.2 Statement of problems

Nigeria's economic growth has been impressive, but there is a need to ensure that this growth translates into improved social outcomes for its population. Despite the positive economic indicators, challenges such as poverty, income inequality, low human capital development, and limited access to quality education and healthcare persist. The problem lies in understanding the extent to which social outcome indicators influence economic growth and how addressing these indicators can lead to more sustainable and inclusive development in Nigeria.

While economic growth is essential, it is crucial to consider the quality of life and well-being of the population. Socio-economic factors such as education, healthcare, poverty levels, gender equality, and social infrastructure play significant roles in shaping social development. Neglecting these factors can lead to unequal distribution of resources, social unrest, and limited opportunities for individuals, hindering overall economic progress.

Moreover, the issue of income inequality and gender disparities poses challenges to inclusive growth. Without addressing these disparities, the benefits of economic growth may disproportionately favor certain segments of society, leaving others marginalized and impeding the country's overall development potential.

To address these challenges, it is imperative to examine the impact of social outcome indicators on economic growth in Nigeria. By understanding the relationship between social development and economic progress, policymakers can formulate effective strategies and policies to promote inclusive growth, reduce poverty, enhance human capital, ensure gender equality, and invest in social infrastructure.

The problem lies in the need to bridge the gap between economic growth and social development in Nigeria. By recognizing the importance of social outcome indicators, policymakers can address issues such as poverty, income inequality, low human capital, and limited access to education and healthcare. Understanding the impact of social outcomes on economic growth is crucial for achieving sustainable and inclusive development in Nigeria. By formulating comprehensive strategies that prioritize social development alongside economic growth, Nigeria can create an environment that fosters the well-being and progress of its citizens while driving economic prosperity.

1.3 Objectives of the study

The main objective of the study is to examine the Impact of social outcome indicators in economics growth in Nigeria (1990_2020).

The following are the specific objectives;

  1. To assess the relationship between social outcome indicators and economic growth in Nigeria from 1990 to 2020.
  2. To examine the specific social outcome indicators that have had the most significant impact on economic growth in Nigeria during the study period.
  3. To identify the key challenges and opportunities associated with improving social outcome indicators to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Nigeria.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. What is the relationship between social outcome indicators and economic growth in Nigeria from 1990 to 2020?
  2. Which specific social outcome indicators have had the most significant impact on economic growth in Nigeria during the study period?
  3. What are the main challenges and opportunities in improving social outcome indicators to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Nigeria?

1.5 Significance of the study

  1. Policy Formulation: Understanding the impact of social outcome indicators on economic growth in Nigeria is crucial for policymakers. This research can provide valuable insights into the factors that contribute to sustainable and inclusive development. By identifying the specific social outcome indicators that have the most significant impact on economic growth, policymakers can formulate targeted policies and interventions to address these indicators and promote overall economic progress.
  2. Resource Allocation: Effective allocation of resources is essential for achieving desired outcomes. By examining the impact of social outcome indicators on economic growth, this research can guide resource allocation decisions. It can help policymakers prioritize investments in areas such as education, healthcare, poverty reduction, gender equality, and social infrastructure, which are vital for improving social development and fostering economic growth in Nigeria.
  3. Inclusive Development: Inclusive growth ensures that the benefits of economic progress are shared equitably among all segments of society. By exploring the relationship between social outcome indicators and economic growth, this research can shed light on the extent to which social development influences inclusive development. It can provide insights into addressing income disparities, reducing poverty, and promoting gender equality, thereby contributing to a more equitable and just society in Nigeria.
  4. International Comparisons: Research on the impact of social outcome indicators on economic growth in Nigeria can facilitate international comparisons. By examining Nigeria's performance relative to other countries, policymakers can gain insights into best practices and lessons learned. This can help in benchmarking progress and identifying areas where Nigeria can improve its social development outcomes to enhance economic growth, drawing inspiration from successful experiences of other nations.
  5. Academic Contribution: This research can contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the relationship between social outcome indicators and economic growth in Nigeria. It can provide empirical evidence and insights that can be referenced by researchers, economists, and policymakers working in the field of development economics. Additionally, it can serve as a foundation for further studies and analysis on the topic, stimulating ongoing discussions and research on social development and economic growth in Nigeria.

Overall, the significance of this research lies in its potential to inform policy decisions, guide resource allocation, promote inclusive development, facilitate international comparisons, and contribute to academic knowledge. By understanding the impact of social outcome indicators on economic growth in Nigeria, policymakers and stakeholders can work towards creating a more sustainable and prosperous future for the country.

1.6 Scope of the study

The scope of this study on the impact of social outcome indicators on economic growth in Nigeria from 1990 to 2020 is defined as follows:

  1. Geographical Scope: The study focuses specifically on Nigeria, considering its unique socio-economic context and development trajectory. The findings and analysis may not be directly applicable to other countries or regions.
  2. Time Frame: The study examines the period from 1990 to 2020, covering three decades of economic and social development in Nigeria. This time frame allows for an assessment of long-term trends, changes, and patterns in social outcome indicators and their relationship with economic growth.
  3. Social Outcome Indicators: The study considers a range of social outcome indicators that have been identified as significant in the literature, including but not limited to education, healthcare, poverty rates, income inequality, gender equality, and social infrastructure. The focus is on understanding how these indicators have influenced economic growth in Nigeria during the study period.
  4. Economic Growth Measures: The study assesses economic growth in Nigeria using relevant macroeconomic indicators, such as gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates, employment rates, and investment levels. These indicators provide insights into the overall economic performance and progress of the country.
  5. Data and Methodology: The study utilizes a combination of quantitative data analysis and literature review. It draws upon existing data sources, such as national statistics, reports from international organizations, and scholarly research, to analyze the relationship between social outcome indicators and economic growth in Nigeria. The methodology may involve statistical analysis, econometric modeling, and comparative analysis of relevant studies.

It is important to note that this study does not address every aspect of social outcome indicators or cover all possible factors influencing economic growth in Nigeria. Instead, it focuses on specific indicators and their impact on economic growth within the defined scope and time frame. The study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the selected indicators' significance and their implications for Nigeria's economic development.

1.7 Definition of Terms

  1. Social Outcome Indicators: These are measures that assess the well-being, living conditions, and social progress of a population. They provide information on various aspects of social development, including education, healthcare, poverty levels, gender equality, and social infrastructure. Examples of social outcome indicators include literacy rates, life expectancy, poverty rates, access to basic services, and gender parity indices.
  2. Economic Growth: Economic growth refers to an increase in the real output of goods and services produced by an economy over a specific period. It is typically measured by indicators such as gross domestic product (GDP), which quantifies the total value of all final goods and services produced within a country's borders. Economic growth reflects the expansion of an economy's productive capacity and is often associated with improvements in living standards, employment levels, and overall economic performance.
  3. Inclusive Development: Inclusive development refers to a process of economic growth that benefits all segments of society, ensuring that the benefits of development are shared equitably. It emphasizes reducing inequalities, addressing social exclusion, and providing opportunities for marginalized groups to participate and benefit from economic activities. Inclusive development aims to create an enabling environment where individuals have access to quality education, healthcare, and basic services, and can actively engage in economic opportunities.
  4. Human Capital: Human capital refers to the knowledge, skills, abilities, and health of individuals that contribute to their productivity and economic output. It encompasses factors such as education, training, health, and nutrition. Human capital is a crucial determinant of economic growth, as investments in education and healthcare enhance the productive capacity of individuals, leading to higher levels of economic output and improved living standards.
  5. Poverty Rates: Poverty rates measure the proportion of the population living below a certain income threshold or lacking access to basic needs and resources. Poverty rates reflect the extent of economic deprivation and serve as an indicator of socio-economic inequality. Lowering poverty rates is an important goal of development efforts, as it improves the well-being of individuals and contributes to inclusive economic growth.
  6. Gender Equality: Gender equality refers to the equal rights, opportunities, and treatment of individuals regardless of their gender. It involves eliminating discrimination and biases based on gender and ensuring that women and men have equal access to resources, opportunities, and decision-making positions. Gender equality is crucial for achieving sustainable development and promoting inclusive economic growth, as it unlocks the full potential and contributions of all individuals in society.

Social Infrastructure: Social infrastructure refers to the physical and organizational structures and facilities that support the provision of social services and enable social development. It includes transportation networks, healthcare facilities, educational institutions, housing, sanitation systems, and communication infrastructure. Adequate social infrastructure is essential for improving living conditions, enhancing productivity, and facilitating economic activities.
